Aghori Ki Maya

2022 | Hindi | Drama


They break the Aghori's post and steal the chair,then shower notes and celebrate and everyone gets intoxicated with alcohol. When consciousness comes then there is a sound of horror. Ranjana gets up and goes outside screaming. Hearing this scream,we all get up,go outside and see that one of my friends and Ranjana's neck has been cut. And our friend who knows tantra mantra is also caught by the shadow of a ghost and kills in front of us and we came running from there to your ashram. Sadhu asks and does anyone know this secret. He says no. Then the monk says that I am the Aghori. Now you too have to leave this world. and kills him. Meanwhile,someone steals the magic chair and here the tantrik becomes very furious and vows to find out who took the chair. This story will be shown further in the upcoming season.

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