
2021 | Hindi | Drama


“To be together for life and after…” are the apt words of a couple entwined in love for each other and their family. Marriages are made in heaven; they say… But some reach heaven and still be together. “Muktaant” talks about John and his family - how life separated them,and later united them forever. His love for his wife and child speaks volumes in itself within the limited frames of the film. It also captures the heart of a wife & mother,along with the feelings of the protagonist,John. The narrative delves into the thin line of death which separates loving hearts. The work might be highlighting hues of fantasy,but what more can make life more fantastic,than a little hope about life after death… being with the ones who left you amidst a life of sadness. Efforts are taken to include a song which captures the essence of love & separation.

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