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Welcome to the world of fun and learning for kids through their most engaging medium i.e. story telling. Watch some of the most famous fairy tales that is not only rich with engaging stories but also with a moral lesson.
EP 1 - Halloween Story
EP 2 - The Hare And The Tortoise
EP 3 - The Little Red Riding Hood
EP 4 - The Lion And The Mouse
EP 5 - The Gingerbread Man
EP 6 - The Thristy Crow
EP 7 - The Boy Who Creid Wolf
EP 8 - The Sour Grapes
EP 9 - The Wind And The Sun
EP 10 - The Jungle Book
EP 11 - The Goose Who Laid Golden Eggs
EP 12 - The Lion And The Fox
EP 13 - The Lazy Horse
EP 14 - The Story Of Goldilocks And Three Bears
EP 15 - Pinocchio
EP 16 - Rapunzel
EP 17 - Cinderella
EP 18 - Sleeping Beauty
EP 19 - The Bad Wolf And Seven Little Lambs
EP 20 - Three Little Pigs