Anamika..Daughter of India
2022 | Hindi | Drama
Even though dwaparyuga is over and Kaliyuga has begun situation remains same for women. All over the world rape cases are drastically increases.As in Indian scripture, in Mahabharata lord Krishna was there to help Draupadi from Dushyasan.But in present we see around that Dushyasana’s character is every where but Krishna is missing.No one is care about that girl who has been raped. Everyone is talking about her in news, mediasociety but no one is care about her mind that from what situation she is going through.How the things are impacting on her mind?How she deals with such gossiping and media highlighting.Yes courts are there to do justice but it will be too late for that when justice finally happens.Can she recover from the trauma??Or goes the way of ending her life? We(world) need Krishna in everyone not Dushyasana